Vintage Buckfast miniature from 1930s – Crazy Money!

Buckfast, maturing for over 80 years – yet nobody is going to drink it.

What a waste.

Still, thrifty Scot seeks value.

Glasgow man discovers rare antique Buckfast miniature in parents’ attic

Offered on eBay…

Antique Buckfast Minature (over 80 years old) – Authenticated by J Chandler&Co


Vintage Buckfast Miniature
Vintage Buckfast Miniature


I delayed this post until the eBay auction had ended.

This has now happened, apparently with a winning bid of £10,000 for this miniature Buckfast bottle.

It will be interesting to see if that was a genuine bid, and is honoured with payment.

Buckfast £10,000
Buckfast £10,000

There is another, similar, bottle on offer, still with a few days to go.

Like the first, it is described as being verified by  J Chandler & Co.

For some reason, it has only attracted a bid of £100 so far.

Buckfast £100
Buckfast £100

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